Monday, October 12, 2020

David Classes....

πŸ’€πŸ’€ Hello my friends as I have told you before all that my course is going to start from 17th of November.

If you all want to participate in this and want to become a professional hacker, then by commenting below, definitely tell you say something friend's.

This course will run free for 3 days, in which you will be given demo classes, after which me and my team will have to pay some money to do this course.

I and our team have considered different money for all courses.
So friends, first of all we take birth about courses...πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘€πŸ‘€


CCC, O Laval, DCA, ADCA, C++, Tally, JAVA, Python, Ethical Hacking,  Linux, Website hacking from Scratch, Hacking using Android,     Basic IT Skills, Web application penetration testing, CEH training.

All these courses will be taught to you. If you want to participate in any course, please tell us message or comment below, Now we talk about the fees of all these courses.πŸ‘πŸ‘

ccc1800 rupees 
DCA ➖5000 rupees
ADCA ➖4600 rupees
C++ ➖5000 rupees
Tally ➖4000 rupees
JAVA ➖ 5000 rupees
Python ➖ 2700 rupees
Ethical Hacking ➖ 7799 rupees
Linux ➖3700 rupees
Website hacking from Scratch ➖4500 rupees
Hacking using Android ➖ 4700 rupees
Basic IT Skills ➖1200 rupees
Web application penetration testing ➖2300 rupees
CEH training ➖3600 rupees

The essential skills to becoming a master hacker..

Unless you specialize in a particular area, for example, mobile or forensics, a formal one-size-fits-all course typically touches on the following subject matter:

  • Buffer overflows, cryptography, denial of service, enumeration, firewalls, exploitation, fingerprinting, foot printing, hacker types, hacking mobile platforms, hacking web applications, hacking web servers, penetration testing, reconnaissance, scanning networks, session hijacking, sniffing, social engineering, sql injection, system hacking, tcp/ip hijacking, hacking tools, trojans and backdoors, viruses and worms, and wireless hacking.

Succinctly summed up by OCCUPYTHEWEB, to get started, here’s what you really need to master:

  • Basic computer skills (not just MS Word but using the command line, editing the registry, and setting up a network
  • Networking skills (for example, understanding routers and switches, internet protocols, and advanced TCP/IP)
  • Linux skills (these are non-negotiable)
  • Hacker tools (for example, Wireshark, TcpDump, and Kali Linux)
  • Virtualization
  • Security concepts and technologies (such as SSL, IDS, and firewalls)
  • Wireless technologies
  • Scripting (for example, Perl, BASH, and Windows PowerShell)
  • Database skills (starting with SQL)
  • Web programming and applications (how hackers target them)
  • Digital forensics
  • Cryptography (encryption)
  • Reverse engineering

Why take an ethical hacking course?

An organization may hire an ethical hacker to attempt to hack their computer system within certain restrictions set by the company and country law. A company may also train a staff member to perform this role in-house. Sometimes ethical hackers are simply self-proclaimed “geeks” who hack on their own time, but not destructively. These kinds of hackers do it “for the fun of it” and, if they’re bounty hunters, even get paid if they find a loophole in an organization’s system.

If you decide to undergo white hat hacker training, you’ll be in excellent company. For instance, a little-known fact about Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web, is that he was a hacker in his early years. According to Investopedia, “As a student at Oxford University, Berners-Lee was banned from using the university computers after he and a friend were caught hacking to gain access to restricted areas.”

One of the most notorious white hat hackers in recent times is described once by the US Department of Justice, as “the most wanted computer criminal in United States history.” After serving time for unlawful hacking, he reformed and became a paid ethical hacking consultant for numerous Fortune 500 companies, as well as for the FBI.

As a career, ethical hacking can be quite lucrative. According to Institute's , salaries for certified ethical hackers in 2018 ranged from $24,760 to $111,502, with a bonus payout up to $17,500. A 2018 Indeed survey found that ethical hacking salaries ranged from approximately $67,703 per year for a network analyst to $115,592 per year for a penetration tester.

The  2020 Cyber Security salary and job found that 23.7 percent of security professionals surveyed had a CEH certification (more on that below).πŸ‘πŸ‘

    HARRY UP FRIENDS ----Registration now ...

     COMMENT'S NOW...πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ 

thanks for visite to this Website guys✌πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ˜‰πŸ‘ ....................

πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ™πŸ™  please support to my social media accounts


class 6

  What is computer virus? A computer virus is a type of malware that attaches to another program (like a document), which can replicate and ...